Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Practical experiences with practical answers


" By sharing his personal experience with us in this book, Dr.Great Success has abolished all the excuses of those who claim that on “these areas” you cannot be successful. By revealing his knowledge and principles that he followed in creating his success, Dr.Great Success encourages the reader that dreams of material wealth to find or recognize his or her life mission, define goals and undertake long postponed action toward fulfilling them. By respecting basic principles of the universe, the idea of managing business is taken to another lever where integrity, creativity and personal development contribute to common good and personal (financial) success.”

Neva Rajković
Management consultant & coach, Amsterdam, NETHERLAND

"Nothing in our lives happens coincidentally. Only one who recognizes his teacher has strength to change self and make dreams come true… "

Dragomir Leontić -Leon
PXD SYSTEM INTL. Board Director, Belgrade, SERBIA

"Being friend and business partner of Dr.Great Success for many years, I’m honored to welcome his book that waited quite a time to be published. I must say this book has authentic style and it is a source of new business ideas.
 Unlike many other business books that deal with theory, this book is the result of many years of work and implementation of ideas and principles that are proven to work in effect, no matter where you applied them.
 To all interested persons, I advise this book to be a practical guide through the world of business ideas."

Aleksandar Rackov
PXD SYSTEM INTL. Board Director, Belgrade, SERBIA

"This book has a power to change your life. It contains techniques, keys and principles of work and success, magnetism of money, financial and spiritual freedom, things that we all search in life.  It offers fresh, new insights, changes of understandings and tells you about things even more important than that. Its wider purpose is to help you get a clear picture of yourself and things around you as aspects of a higher reality. By reading this book, you get the completely new perception and new canals are opened that reflect different reality from one you got used to observe."

Spase Sokoloski
PXD SYSTEM INTL. Board Director, Skopje, MACEDONIA

I’ve always wondered if there is a universal formula of success that if I apply it brings certain sure result. I’ve searched for a long time, but I was still way behind essence which when we acquire it, we look the things differently. Experience thought me that the magic formula doesn’t exist, but the magical principles do. They function and give brilliant results.

The problem was to find magical methods of their fulfillment and this was Sisyphus’s work too,  to persists  all temptations and endure on the way to top that brings expected EUREKA.  This is how it was for years, hundreds and hundreds of read books, lot of experiences, plenty of successes and failures being the normal part of wining process until I have read the book GET WEALTH WITH NO INVESTMENT and the miracle happened.  Suddenly I was looking with new eyes. Suddenly I fully understood the real meaning of WISH, GOAL, INTUITION, MISSION AND ACTION and it was logical and normal like in math where 2+3 equals 5 and it cannot be 6 or 4, or normal as drinking and eating to keep our body healthy and in form.
 That’s it, you haven't missed, there is the ELIXIR to CURE YOUR LIFE, WALLET AND HEART, right here in your hands. This book brings simple but great definitions for terms WISH, GOAL, INTUITION, MISSION, ACTION, and has original style and narration. 
EUREKA that you’ll find in the book will amaze you, sometimes pull your nerve, many times will thrill and excite you, and sometimes even disappoint you but not because of things are written there, but because of YOU and your life situations. All of that is great, each emotion whether positive or negative is great, that is a proof that you are still alive and that you understand things or at least trying to.     
Your inspiration pill that you’ll take while reading this book, will bring new experience in your journey to where you’re heading or planning to go.  
If you are in the mood and on the top of the power, this is the right book for you.
If you are just happy, this is a right choice for you.
If you are poor, miserable and lost hope in life, this book is essential for you.
If you are successful, this is your daily journal. 
I congratulate you on your DECISION that you’ve made with GET WEALTH WITH NO INVESTMENT and on POSITIVE CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE."

Tatjana Petrovska
PXD SYSTEM INTL. Board Director, Skopje, MACEDONIA

I recommend this book to all people who don't hesitate but take things in their own hands. It opens the new dimension of creativity for times and markets that are yet to come.

Maksim Bjelica
Čujemo se doo, CEO, Belgrade, SERBIA

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