Saturday, July 27, 2013



Why Business Gurus and Bhagavad Gita are connected ? Did Business Gurus give all the answers and solutions for successful business ? Did Bhagavad Gita give supreme solution for all Business and Spirituality questions ? On those questions and many more, Aleksandar Akrura Todorovic ( Gita Coaching ) answers in supreme way.

T: Many questions have been asked on the topic of personal realization from different business gurus, very famous ones, and realization of their names, principles by different people and businessman. Many questions were answered and also many questions remain unanswered by the most brilliant minds and business gurus. Some of the crucial points have no crucial answer and bring people in confusion. Me, as a long year reader, attender and follower of all new business trends make me ask some questions for resolving certain dilemmas.
Today we will compare mighty principles by Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki, Jonas Riderstrale, Stephen Covey, Frank Battger,  Jim Rohn, Tom Hopkins, Robin Sharma and others with the principles from the Bhagavad Gita.
We have an honor that on those questions answers Mr. Aleksandar Akrura Todorovic. Gita Coaching is a spiritual life coach, success teacher, lecturer and a seminar leader.
So the first question goes like this. Each of the business gurus has its own characteristic area, which is developed to perfection by them, and by which they are recognized or they have certain unique style for which also they are known. So let us start first with Bryan Tracy. This is the first guru I was listening and I was on seminar. What I remember most, to be honest, is his …. seminar in Skopje called “Strategies for success in the 21st century”. And the main points were on competitive advantage on the market, the way of doing the sales and so on. But one interesting thing happened when a friend of mine asked him directly, “How would you create great sales euphoria?” he didn’t know what to say and his question remained unanswered. So my first question is, “What Bhagavad Gita says about this? How would you create euphoric sales?”
A: First of all, to make a few comments about Bryan Tracy in general and then I will answer your question. I have read several books of Brian Tracy and have listened to audiotapes and he is a very prolific author. He wrote a lot about success and he is definitely a very diligent reader, he learns, he knows so much. He’s read so many authors and learned from so many people. So I was curious about his spiritual use and then in the book “Focal Point”, in one of the last chapters, I think the last chapter of that book, he explains some of his spiritual views. And I don’t know if he is, like, a religious person but in his books he doesn’t reveal very much. Sometimes he mentions…actually in one audio program he said that: “Prayer is the highest form of affirmation.” and that was something very surprising for me to hear because he very rarely even mentions God or something related to God or religion. And, of course, all religious people will kind of “cheer up”, I say, cheer for that and they would really agree that prayer is the best affirmation. And the spiritual views that he has expressed in “Focal Point”, again, are not directly speaking about our relationship with God. Now, I have sometimes e-mail exchanges with him and he speaks about “super conscious mind” and I told him that actually in the Bhagavad Gita it is explained that, actually, the “super conscious mind” is actually the “Super Soul”. 
T: Super Soul.

A: Super soul. Yes. And we didn’t discuss it or we didn’t debate on it, he just agreed with what I wrote…that this is, actually, the source of our, all our intelligence and this kind of intelligence that when he speaks of some higher intelligence, that when he speaks about the “super conscious mind” and a very strong intuition is coming from the Super Soul which is described in the Bhagavad Gita as the expansion of God, which is accompanying us throughout the material life, this experience in the material world and helping us, giving us knowledge, inspiration, even forgetfulness, remembrance, ideas, creativity. And…so he himself and many other authors, they actually avoid discussing God and religion and some of them like Ken Blanchard, author of the “One Minute Manager”, he speaks more directly and he has even teamed up with a pastor or a minister and they have a project called “Lead Like Jesus”. So Stephen Covey speaks that the principles he teaches come from God. And in his audio program “First Thing’s First” he says “the top priority, my first duty is the deity”. So some mention God and some don’t. And other authors, they make distinction between religion and spirituality and then they then present some kind of impersonal spirituality where you don’t speak about God, you speak about divinity, or divine, or the universe. But you don’t acknowledge that behind the universe or behind the universal intelligence there is a person.
T: And Joe Vitale, he speaks about divinity?
A: Yes, they will speak about divinity and about many things but they don’t mention God. And, of course, people have been disappointed with religion and religious people, because many of them are not very “saintly” and don’t show always high character, but it doesn’t mean that one should dismiss the science of God. And this science of God is described in the Bhagavad Gita. So it has to do with success because if there is a Creator, He knows the laws of the universe, He knows the laws of success and all this things come from Him. Many people speak about principles of success, laws of success, but they don’t speak about the lawmaker. So Bhagavad Gita explains this in more detail and there is actually a universal management, where there are higher beings. They are called demigods and they also can help us with our economic and other kinds of pursuits. This is described in the Gita: how if you cooperate with this higher intelligence people, actually you can be better off spiritually and materially. 

( To Be Continued )